Guidelines for Fringe Benefits
- Fringe benefit costs that are posted based upon actual charges for employees
insurance (for non-retirees)
· Retirement (TIAA/CREF
or STRS)
· Social Security and Medicare
- Fringe benefits costs that are posted based upon a rate
Workers compensation
· Unemployment compensation
· PEIA insurance for
· PEIA administrative fee
While the review of each employee’s actual fringe benefits cost is the most accurate method of projecting this cost for the unit, it may be impractical for a unit with a large number of employees. In this case the unit may opt to build a unit specific fringe rate for cost projection purposes. A simple approach to calculate this rate would be:
- Identify current fiscal year total cumulative personal services expenditures
- Identify current fiscal year total cumulative fringe benefits costs excluding PEIA
- Identify current fiscal year total cumulative PEIA costs
- Increase the cost of PEIA by the anticipated percentage rate increase.
- Add the resulting PEIA costs to the other fringe benefits costs
- Divide the total fringe benefits costs by the total personal services costs
- The result is a unit specific fringe rate to be used for estimating future year fringe benefits costs.