Budget Transfer Instructions
·To move one or more existing General Ledger expense budget amounts between Accounting Flexfield lines.
·The total of the dollar amounts of both the “From” and “To” of the Budget Transfer must be equal.
·All Accounting Flexfield lines must use the same Fund value.
· Cannot be used to transfer budget amounts on grants and contracts.
General Information:
·The Budget Transfer Form, a spreadsheet file in Microsoft Excel 97 format, is provided as a tool to assist in preparing a request to transfer budget.
· An initiator should complete the Budget Transfer Form and forward as an e-mail attachment to Office of Budget Planning at BUDMOD@mail.wvu.edu.
Instructions for Completing the Budget Transfer Form:
·Enter the Accounting Flexfield segment values and the budget amounts to be taken from each Accounting Flexfield on lines in the “From” section.
· Enter the Accounting Flexfield segment values and the budget amounts to be added to each Accounting Flexfield on lines in the “To” section.
· Adjust entered data if an error message is generated.
· Enter a descriptive justification.
· Save the Budget Transfer Form under a unique file name of your choosing.
· Send an e-mail, with this new file attached, to the Office of Budget Planning at BUDMOD@mail.wvu.edu.